5.Evaluation of Hesitance from Getting COVID-19 Vaccination Among People of Mirpur AJK
Muhammad Shoaib1, Tanveer Sadiq Ch2, Muhammad Kamran1, Memona Nazir3, Khalid Mehmood1 and Shaukat Mahmood1
Objective: To evaluate hesitance related to COVID-19 vaccination in Mirpur AJK.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Community Medicine and Surgery of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College Mirpur AJk from Jan 2020 to Dec 2021.
Materials and Methods: The simple random sampling technique is used in the research. When it comes to simple random sampling technique, it is considered to be beneficial to make the results by considering the whole population.
Results: Firstly, the quantitative data is collected for the research due to which the data can easily be analyzed with the help of using SPSS. In this research, SPSS 21.0 is using for the sake of producing fruitful consequences of the research. The result indicates that out of 600 only 364 (60.67%) person vaccinated without hesitance at vaccinated center in Mirpur AJK DHQ Hospital while 236 (39.33%) feel hesitance and not vaccinated due to fear which was spread by fake news and social media.
Conclusion: There is a wrong perception about COVID-19 exist among the people. The wrong information is spreading because of excessive use of social media. The people have easy access to social media, so they upload the information according to their concepts; meanwhile, the research is also revealed the actual use of social media rather than focusing on misleading information.
Key Words: Hesitance, COVID-19, Vaccination
Citation of article: Shoaib M, Ch TS, Kamran M, Nazir M, Mehmood K, Mahmood S. Evaluation of Hesitance from Getting COVID-19 Vaccination Among People of Mirpur AJK. Med Forum 2023;34(1):