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  3. 5.Comparison of Oxygen Saturation in Different Fingers of Hands Measured by Portable Pulse Oximeter in Healthy Adults
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5.Comparison of Oxygen Saturation in Different Fingers of Hands Measured by Portable Pulse Oximeter in Healthy Adults

Adil Khan, Beena Khan and Aashir Jameel


Objective: To identify variation in oxygen saturation (SpO2) measurements in different fingers of both hands and its clinical importance.

Study Design: Cross-sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Fatima Hospital, Baqai Medical University, from 1st March 2023 to 31st March 2023.

Materials and Methods: 200 healthy medical students and healthcare professionals aged over 18 years were included in the study. It was made sure that study participants did not have any comorbid conditions like anemia or peripheral vascular compromise that may affect SpO2 values. Oxygen saturation was recorded in all ten fingers in sitting position for at least five minutes.

Results: Highest SpO2 was recorded in the right middle finger (98.71±1.21). The difference in SpO2 values between all the fingers was significant. (Repeated ANOVA, F=5.035, p = 0.001). SpO2 values of the right middle finger were significantly associated with the right ring and little finger and the left middle and little finger (p<0.01).

Conclusion: Some degree of difference exists in SpO2 readings of different fingers, highest being recorded in the right middle finger. Information of this difference becomes clinically significant in states of poor perfusion.

Key Words: Oxygen saturation, Pulse oximetry, Portable pulse oximeter.

Citation of article: Khan A, Khan B, Jameel A. Comparison of Oxygen Saturation in Different Fingers of Hands Measured by Portable Pulse Oximeter in Healthy Adults. Med Forum 2023;34(9):20-23. doi:10.60110/medforum.340905.