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  3. 5. Predicting Wellbeing in Irregular Shift Workers
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5. Predicting Wellbeing in Irregular Shift Workers

1. Surriya Jabeen 2. Aneesa Matloob 3. Ayesha Sarwat

1. Assoc. Prof. of Community Medicine, 2,3. Asstt. Prof. of Psychiatry. DIMC,  Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi


Objective: Objective  of the study was to assess wellbeing and its relationship with sleep pattern from the biological  rhythm science aspect.

Study Design: Cross sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Dow University Hospital. Dow university of Health Sciences Karachi from November 2013 to January 2014.

Materials and Methods: This was a non-interventional cross sectional study. Wellbeing  was measured in the study subjects (health care provider) working  in irregular shift .To profile wellbeing, the  instrument  used was  an integrated questionnaire. This measuring tool has a established  scale based on subjective feeling of wellbeing (happiness) where higher score suggested a higher level of wellbeing, low scores  suggested a fragile level of wellbeing. Subjects were interviewed and their reply was documented .Influences of a misaligned sleepcycle was measured   on positive emotion  scale quantitatively.

Results: Results revealed a decreased strength of  wellbeing  amongst rotatory shift workers. Mean scores inferred from happiness scale in the present study was  3.75± 1.02 . 

Conclusion: It was concluded that sleep/wake misalignment is associated with emotional fatigue .With  the introduction of  biofeedback   as an intervention  in certain  stress related disease . It has become mandatory to open   new windows  and option which  has become essential in experimental research for applied purpose. Key Words: Sleep Cycle, Wellbeing, Shift Workers, Environment,  Biological Rhythm.

Citation of article: Jabeen S, Matloob A, Sarwat A. Predicting Wellbeing in Irregular Shift Workers. Med Forum 2015;26(6):16-19.