5. Analysis of Medico Legal Cases in Accident and Emergency Department of Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad
Salma Shazia1 and Amjad Farooq2
Objective: To find out the frequency of various categories of medico legal cases and major characteristics of the victims in Accident and Emergency Department of Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad.
Study Design: Analytic study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Departments of Forensic Medicine & Accident and Emergency, Surgical, Ayub Medical College Abbottabad. from January 2015 to December 2016
Materials and Methods: The present study includes 2000 cases. Data was collected on proformas from the medico legal registers available in the casuality. The data was analyzed on SPSS 23.
Results: Among 2000 cases, 82.4% are males and 17.6% are females. 25.5% victims are less than 20 years of age. 54.1% are between 20-40 years age group. 17.5% belong to 40-60 years and 2.9% are above 60 years of age. Blunt weapons are the most common cause of injuries i.e. 70.7%,, RTA 9.8%, Sharp weapons 5.8%, firearm injuries 4.9%, poisoning 3.8%, alcohol intoxication, sexual assault cases, burns and animal bite comprises 5% of the total cases. According to the opinion 32.4% victims suffer from S. Khafifa, 19.95% JGJ Damiyah, 7.1% S. Mudiah, 4.1% JGJ Mutalahima, 8.5% from multiple injuries, 3.6% from poisons.
Conclusion: Males are the usually sufferers of most of assaults. Maximum number of victims belong to 20-40 age group. Most of the injuries are caused by blunt weapons. Head and face area is mostly affected.
Key Words: Medico legal,Qisas and Diyat ordinance, Shajjah, Jurh
Citation of articles: Shazia S, Farooq A. Analysis of Medico Legal Cases in Accident and Emergency Department of Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad. Med Forum 2019;20(1):18-21.