4.Frequency of Malaria Among Pregnant Women
Muhammad Abas Khan
Objective: To find out frequency of malaria among pregnant women who presented to a tertiary care hospital in Peshawar.
Study Design: descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar, from December 2020 to May 2021.
Materials and Methods: Data collection was done by non-probability consecutive sampling technique. Patients who were pregnant and above 15 years of age were involved in the study. Frequency of malaria was established. Data was evaluated using SPSS version 23.
Results: Among 140 pregnant women patients, 30(21.4%) patients were diagnosed having malaria. The mean age was 30 ±11.62 years. malaria was found in 30 (21.4%) patients with pregnancy. In the positive blood samples, 24(80%) were infected with plasmodium falcipram and 14(10%) were infected with P.malairia,7(5%) with p.vivax and 7(5%) with P. falciparum. Women with age group of 20-30 years were found more prone to the plasmodium infection. In maximum patients, plasmodium density 1 was noted.
Conclusion: increased frequency of malaria in patients having pregnancy was noted
Key Words: Malaria, Pregnant Women, Parasitemia
Citation of article: Khan MA. Frequency of Malaria Among Pregnant Women. Med Forum 2021;32(8):16-20.