4.Comparative Effect of Maitland Glenohumeral Mobilization and Muligan Glenohumeral Mobilization in Combination With Scapular Mobilization in Patients with Frozen Shoulder
Adeera Azam1, Esha Dilawar2, Ammarah Ikram2, Aabroo Zafar2, Nowal Nasir2 and
Nazia Sarfraz1
Objective: The current study is aimed to investigate the comparison of the effect of Maitland glenohumeral mobilization and Mulligan glenohumeral mobilization in combination with scapular mobilization in frozen
shoulder patients.
Study Design: Randomized clinical trial study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the University of Faisalabad from Feb 2023-Jun 2023.
Methods: The study is conducted on idiopathic or primary adhesive capsulitis, aged between 35 to 55 years on 39 female patients. A convenient sampling technique is used. This is a randomized clinical trial. Randomization is performed by lottery method. Patients are divided into two groups, Group A received Mulligan technique with scapular mobilization and Group B received Maitland Technique with scapular mobilization.
Results: The pain and disability score analysis shows significant statistical results in Group A subjects in comparison to Group B. The mean of abduction range, external rotation, internal rotation, and flexion showed significant results (p<0.05) in Group A as compared to (Maitland group) group B. The mean score of SPADI reduced to 31.6842 ± 6.89648 in Group A (Mulligan mobilization with scapular mobilization), whereas in Group B (Maitland mobilization with scapular mobilization) the mean has improved to 39.6500 ±2.23077. The range of motion score analysis for intergroup comparison showed the strength significantly improved in Group A subjects in comparison to Group B subjects.
Conclusion: Results of this study demonstrate that the Mulligan method with scapular mobilization is an effective treatment approach compared to the Maitland method with scapular mobilization in managing a frozen shoulder.
Key Words: Frozen shoulder, Mulligan mobilization, Maitland mobilization, scapular mobilization, Shoulder joint.
Citation of article: Azam A, Dilawar E, Ikram A, Zafar A, Nasir N, Sarfraz N. Comparative Effect of Maitland Glenohumeral Mobilization and Muligan Glenohumeral Mobilization in Combination With Scapular Mobilization in Patients with Frozen Shoulder. Med Forum 2024;35(6):19-23. doi:10.60110/medforum.350604.