47.Effect of Probiotics on Liver Enzymes and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Jibran Umar Ayub Khan1, Amina Iftikhar2, Saifullah Khan Khalil3, Humera Fayaz2, Sajid Razaq4 and Qamar Aziz2
Objective: To determine the effect of probiotics on liver enzymes and NAFLD.
Study Design: cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the General Hospital Peshawar from 05th January 2022 to 05th January 2023.
Materials and Methods: The inclusion criteria were patients of NALFD diagnosed on Ultrasound abdomen and on the basis of clinical history. The patients having deranged liver function tests due to other causes such as chronic liver disease ,autoimmune hepatitis ,drug induced liver injury were excluded from the study .The sample size was 50 and non probability convenient sampling . All the patients had a baseline US abdomen with proper grading of fatty liver documented and liver functions being done. The US Abdomen and liver functions tests were repeated after three months of probiotics as an intervention. The data analysis was done by SPSS version 22. The frequencies and percentages were applied for categorical data where as Mean and SD were applied for quantitative data. Paired sample test was used was used for comparison of one group before and after intervention with emphasis on mean difference ,confidence interval and p value of 0.05 or less as significance.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 40 years with a range from 17 to 67 .The mean grade of fatty liver before giving probiotics was 2 with ALT 80.86 ALP 280.42 and bilirubin 1.2. The standard error of mean for ALT,ALP and bilirubin were 5.02,10.27 and .058 respectively . After giving probiotics the mean ALT was 59.94 ALP 239.24 and bilirubin 0.9. The standard error of mean for ALT,ALP and bilirubin was 3.2,7.99 and .036 respectively. The mean difference for fatty liver grade 1.3.ALT 24.92,ALP 42.18 and Bilirubin 0.26. The Confidence interval for fatty liver grade ranged from 1.04163 to 1.55837, ALT (17.91 to 30.92),ALP 932.01 to 50.32) and bilirubin 0.174 to 0.345. The p value for grade of fatty liver.ALT,ALP and bilirubin before and after intervention was highly significant as reflected its reading of very low value than 0.05.
Conclusion: In the light of these results probiotics have a beneficial effect in terms of improving fatty liver grade and liver function.
Key Words: NAFFD, probiotics, liver enzymes
Citation of article: Khan JUA, Iftikhar A, Khalil SK, Fayaz H, Razaq S, Aziz Q. Effect of Probiotics on Liver Enzymes and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Med Forum 2023;34(8):204-207.doi:10.60110/medforum.340847.