47. Awareness of Diabetic Patients Regarding Diabetic Neuropathy
Muhammad Nouman Shaikh1,Zaheer Hussian Memon1and Muhammad Imtiaz Ajmal2
Objective:This study intended to find out the awareness level of patients regarding diabetic neuropathy. Study Design:Cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Medicine Department of Indus Medical College Tando Muhammad Khanfrom February 2016 July2016.
Materials and Methods:All patients after diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy were selected. Cases were interviewed regarding diabetic neuropathy awareness and duration of diabetes etc. All thе infоrmatiоn regarding patients age gender, clinical presentation and knowledge regarding diabetic neuropathy were rеcоrdеd оn sеlf-dеsignеd prоfоrma.
Results: Total 100 cases had diabetic neuropathy were involved in study. Most of cases i.е. 40% were with age of > 50 years, 30% patients ranged from 41-50 years of age group. 70% patients were females while 30% patients were males. Burning sensation was in 80% patients, numbness in hands and feet seen in 75% patients, tingling sensation was present in 70% patients. When patients were assessed regarding awareness of diabetic neuropathy than only 30% patients knew about complications of diabetes mellitus, only 10% patients knew about diabetic neuropathy.
Conclusion:It is concluded that patients had very poor knowledge regarding diabetic neuropathy. Key Words:Neuropathy, diabetic patients, awareness.
Citation of article:Shaikh MN, Memon ZH, AjmalMI.Awareness of Diabetic Patients Regarding Diabetic
Neuropathy.Med Forum 2017;28(5):191-194.