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  3. 44. Study of 100 Cases of Strokes for Infarction and Hemorrhage in Swat
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44. Study of 100 Cases of Strokes for Infarction and Hemorrhage in Swat

Abdul Ahad, Bacha Amin Khan and Momin Khan


Objectives:The main objective of this study conducted was to compare the incidence of cerebral infarction and hemorrhage in one hundred patients of stroke over a time span of one year in swat.

Study Design:Cross sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Saidu Teaching Hospital Saidu Sharif Swat from January 2015 till January 2016.

Materials and Methods:Hundred patients were selected for this study and their data recorded including  history of

Results: Among selected patients 62% were males and 38% were Females.

18% patients were in age group 51- 60 year, 32% patients were in age group 61- 70 year, 24% patients were in age group 71- 80 year, 78% of patients were having cerebral infarction, while cerebral hemorrhage was found in 22% of patient.Hypertension was the most common risk factor among these stroke patients. Average blood pressure was 160 / 100.

Conclusions:Common cause of stroke is cerebral infarction while the leading risk factor found is Hypertension in patients with stroke.

Key Words:Hypertension, Stroke, Cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage

Citation of article:Ahad A, Khan BA, KhanM. Study of 100 Cases of Strokes for Infarction and Hemorrhage


in Swat.Med Forum 2017;28(5):178-180.