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  3. 42.Outcome of Ileostomy Reversal With and Without Nasogastric Tube
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42.Outcome of Ileostomy Reversal With and Without Nasogastric Tube

Babar Sultan Khaghan, Ismail Akbar, Maaz Ullah, Arifullah Khan, and Omar Khan and Syed Aamer Hussain



Objective: To Compare the outcome of ileostomy reversal with and without a nasogastric tube (NG) tube.

Study Design: The current comparative cross sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the surgical department of Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad from July 2022 to June 2023.
Materials and Methods: A total of 125 patients of both male and female were included through the randomization technique. The patients were randomly divided into two groups, Group 01 consists of patients with nasogastric tubes, and Group 2 consists of patients without nasogastric tubes. All the data was collected by a specialized proforma. Data analysis was done by using SPSS version 24.
Results: The total sample size of the study was 125. There was a total of 79 males (63.20%) and 46 (36.80%) were females. The mean age in group 1 was 24.99 years, while the mean age in group 2 was 25.32 years. The mean hospital stay in group 1 was 5.66 ±2.56 and the mean stay in group 2 was 4.71 ±1.72. 5 (7.6 %) of the patients in the group 1 had developed Abdominal distention, moreover, 3 (5%) patients had developed Abdominal distention in group 2. 42 (64.61%) of the patients in group 1 had passed flatus with a mean time of 48 ± 4.51 hours, while, the patients in group 2 had passed flatus with a mean time of 34 ± 3.33 hours after the reversal of ileostomy.
Conclusion: The study concluded that patients without nasogastric tubes after the ileostomy reversal surgery have fewer mean hospital stays, and fewer chances of developing abdominal distension, in addition, the mean time of flatus passage was also less, than those with nasogastric tube with greater hospital stay and more chances of developing abdominal distension as well as more takes more to pass the flatus.
Key Words: Nasogastric tube, abdominal distention, ileostomy reversal, flatus passage.
Citation of article: Khaghan BS, Akbar I, Ullah M, Khan A, Khan O, Hussain SA. Outcome of Ileostomy Reversal With and Without Nasogastric Tube. Med Forum 2023;34(8):181-183. doi:10.60110/ medforum.340842.