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  3. 40. Pattern of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot & Alama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital Sialkot, Pakistan
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40. Pattern of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot & Alama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital Sialkot, Pakistan

Madiha Mumtaz1, M Rafique4, Adul Sattar5, Saleh Mohammad2 and Kamran Hamid3




Objective: To study the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Staphylococcus Aureus in a Alama Iqbal Memorial

Hospital Sialkot & Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot.

Study Design: Descriptive / cross sectional study


Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Microbiology, Alama Iqbal Memorial Hospital Sialkot & Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot during Jan 2019 to Jan 2020.

Materials and Methods: Three hundred and forty three samples were included in the study among which two hundred and ninety four samples showed the growth of different microorganisms. Pus, blood, body fluids, and sputum and wound swabs specimen were added and different biochemical reactions were done in order to identify Staphylococcus aureus specimen. The bacterial susceptibility of these specimen were conducted by disk diffusion method using cefoxitin (thirty micro grams) and different antibacterial drugs are tested against methicillin repellent and reactive staphylococcus specimen as outlined by Clinical Laboratory Standard worldwide Guidelines. Informed written was taken from each sick person before taking the sample. The permission of Ethical Committee was taken before collection of data and publishing in the medical journal. The results were assessed by SPSS version 10.


Results: Senstivity pattern of Con stayplyococci was Pencilin 0% , doxycyaline 49%,erthomycin 16% , gentamycin 45% , amikasin 63% , Ciproflaixicin 20%, amoxiclav 41%, methycilin 41%, amoxifloxain 31%, clindamycin 73%, fusidici acid 47%, vancomycin 100%, chorophenocal 98%, septan 31%, lynsolate 100%, cephradine 41%, Sensitivity Pattern of methicilin sensitive staphylococcus aureus is pencilin 1%, augmentin 100%, minocyclane 67%, doxycycline 65%, erythromycin 65%, gentamycin 95%, amikasin 97%, ciprofloxaicin 41%, amoxifloaxicin 46%, clindamycin 89%, fusidic acid 78%, vancomycin 100%, chorophenocal 84%, linosit 100%, cefradine 100%, septan 51%, Senstivity Pattern of mehticilin resiistance staphylococci aureus was penicillin 0%, amoxiclave 0%, minocycline 51%, erhtomycin 8%, gentamycin 65%, amikasin 83%, ciprofloxacin 10%, amoxifloacin 18%, clindamycin 77%, fusidic acid 75%, vancomycin 100%, chorophenacal 100%, septran 38%, levofloxaicn 100%, cefradine 00%.


Conclusion: The antibiotic susceptibility pattern derived from the above work showed a lot of antimicrobial chances available for staphylococcus aureus, so the use of Vancomycin and linezolid should be the last centre for treating such infections. It also draws attention towards increasing repellent between the widely used antibiotic such as ciprofloxacin so its overuse should be discouraged.

Key Words: Antimicrobial susceptibility, Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus


Citation of article: Mumtaz M, Rafique M, Sattar A, Mohammad S, Hamid K. Pattern of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot & Alama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital Sialkot, Pakistan. Med Forum 2021;32(1):163-167.