4. Frequency of Acute Complications of Pyogenic Meningitis in Children During Hospital Stay
Farman Ullah Burki1, Muhammad Ismail Khan2 and Aftab Ahmad3
Objective: To determine the acute complications of pyogenic Meningitis in children during hospital admission.
Study Design: Descriptive / observation Hospital based study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Pediatrics Department DHQ Teaching Hospital D.I.Khan for a period of 01 year from March 2017 to February 2018.
Materials and Methods: 100 patients age 3 months to 12 years with clinical features of acute bacterial meningitis were included in study. Children with tuberculosis meningitis, VP shunt associated meningitis, mental retardation and age less than 3 months or more than 12 years were excluded from study. CSF analysis and C/S was done in call cases from pathology department of Hospital. Specific investigations were done for acute complications where they were needed which include serum electrolytes, Blood glucose, PT, APTT serum osmolarity, creatinine, CT brain. All patients were observed for acute complications for 14 days.
Results: Total 100 patients age 3 months to 12 year’s diagnosed as acute bacterial meningitis were included in study. Out of these 59% were male and 41% female. 50% were below 1 year age. 29% were between 1 to 5 year age while 21% were between 5 years and 12 years age. Acute complications were observed in 31% children. The various acute complications were, subdural effusion 15%, septic shock 5%, hemiparesis 6%, acute hydrocephalus in 2%, cerebral edema in 2% and cranial nerve palsy 1%. Subdual effusion, Hydrocephalus and cerebral edema was more Common below 1Year while cranial nerve palsy, hemiparesis and septic shock were more Common above
1 Year.
Conclusion: Acute bacterial meningitis is serious infection in children resulting in significant acute complication, mortality and morbidity. In next millennium our success will depend upon effective vaccination strategies which has reduced disease burden in developed countries.
Key Words: Acute bacterial meningitis, acute complications cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) hydrocephalus.
Citation of articles: Burki F, Khan MI, Ahmad A. Frequency of Acute Complications of Pyogenic Meningitis in Children During Hospital Stay. Med Forum 2019;20(1):14-17.