4. Effect of Nuchal Cord on Peri-Natal Outcome and Relationship with Mode of Delivery
Seema Gul Salman1, Maria Rafiq1, Khalil Ahmad2, Khalid Khan3, Irfan Khan3 and Irfan Ullah3
Objective: To compare peri-natal outcome with mode of delivery in patients without Nuchal cord and those with Nuchal cords including single, double and multiple loops.
Study Design: Retrospective study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Gynae Department Gaju Khan Medical College Sawabi, Pakistan from January 2019 to June 2019.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of 303 single gestation term pregnancies with spontaneous labor. Patients were grouped as without Nuchal cord and those with Nuchal cord including single, double and multiple turns. These were compared with perinatal outcome and delivery mode.
Results: This study showed that Nuchal cord was not associated with neonatal death, a bad Apgar score (<7) at 1 and 5 min. However, cases with multiple cords were shown to be associated with meconium-stained liquor, neonatal admission in Intensive care, fetal distress and emergency C-section.
Conclusion: Nuchal cord with multiple turns was associated with fetal distress but without affecting Apgar scores. Nuchal cord was not associated with adverse outcomes and prenatal ultrasound for this purpose is not required.
Key Words: Nuchal cord, Perinatal outcome, Multiple loops, Apgar scores, Caesarian section.
Citation of article: Salman SG, Rafiq M, Ahmad K, Khan K, Khan I, Ullah I. Effect of Nuchal Cord on Peri-Natal Outcome and Relationship with Mode of Delivery. Med Forum 2020;31(9):13-16.