4. Correlation of Age, Gender, Social Economic Status and Area with Laryngeal Carcinoma
Javed Qureshi1, Saeed Razi2, Salman Imran Butt3 and
Liaqat Ali4
Objective: To study the Correlation of age, gender, socio economic status and area with laryngeal carcinoma.
Study Design: Experimental Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot Medical College Sialkot from Jan 2016 to Jan 2019.
Materials and Methods: This study include 100 patients of laryngeal carcinoma. Their history was taken on designed performa to note down age, gender, socioeconomic status, area, laryngeal carcinoma and lab tests were advised to all of the patients. The study was conducted in Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot Medical College Sialkot. Written informed consent was also taken from every patient. The permission of Ethical Committee was also considered to conduct this research work and publish in medical research journal. All the patients of laryngeal carcinoma were included in this study
Results: There were Complications seen at the age of 45-50 years, there were 5(18.51%) male and 1(33.33%) female patients. At the age of 51-60 years there were 11(40.74%) male and 1(33.33%) female. At the age of 61-70 years there 9(33.33%) Male and 0(0.00%) female patients. At the age of 70-80 years there were 2(7.40%) male and 1(33.33%) female patients. There were complications of laryngeal surgery i.e. hematoma formation was seen in 1(9.1%) patient, Pharyngeocutaneous fistula was seen in 8(72.7%), Stomal stenosis was seen in 1(9.1%) , Pharngealstenosis was seen in 1(9.1%) patients.
Conclusion: It was observed that there were definite complications during laryngeal surgery in laryngeal carcinoma
Key Words: Complications, laryngeal surgery, Carcinoma
Citation of article: Qureshi J, Razi S, Butt SI, Ali L. Correlation of Age, Gender, Social Economic Status and Area with Laryngeal Carcinoma. Med Forum 2020;31(1): 14-16.