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  3. 3.Levels of Serum Adiponectin, Glucose and Insulin in Asymptomatic Offspring of Patients with T2DM
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3.Levels of Serum Adiponectin, Glucose and Insulin in Asymptomatic Offspring of Patients with T2DM

Muhammad Jawad Anwar, Muhammad Ejaz Butt, Muhammad Shamim, Rabiya Jameel, Ali Afzal and Muhammad Waseem


Objective: To measure and compare the Adiponectin, glucose and Insulin results of healthy offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with healthy offspring of non-diabetics.

Study Design: Case control study Place and

Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pathology PGMI, Lahore and Diagnostic Laboratory of UVAS, Lahore for nine months.

Materials and Methods: Healthy non-diabetic subjects which were offspring of previously diagnosed type 2 diabetics, visiting LGH Lahore for treatment, under 30 years female and male, having normal fasting blood glucose values with no diabetic symptoms were included.

Results: In 100 subjects, Insulin and adiponectin were estimated for this ELISA method used, and GOD-PAP method for glucos. Control group had Mean ± SD of Adiponectin 5.20±2.23 and study group had 4.38 ±1.38 with insignificant difference of P value 0.14. Insulin in control group had Mean ± SD 16.80 ± 4.09 and study group had 18.40 ± 13.32 having insignificant difference with P value 0.081. In control group, glucose Mean ± SD had 80.75±14.21 mg/dl value and 80.92±13.38 mg/dl in study group with insignificant contrast with 0.098 P value.

Conclusion: Adiponectin, glucose and Insulin measured values were normal, having no notable corelation direct or inverse.

Key Words: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), Adiponectin ,Insulin, Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Glucose oxidase para amino phenazone (GOD PAP).

Citation of articles: Anwar MJ, Butt ME, Shamim M, Jameel R, Afzal A, Waseem M. Levels of Serum Adiponectin, Glucose and Insulin in Asymptomatic Offspring of Patients with T2DM. Med Forum 2019;30(4):11-14.