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38. Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes and Associated Maternal Factor Among Patients of South Punjab

Original Article

Gestational Diabetes and Associated Maternal Factor

Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes and Associated Maternal Factor Among Patients of South Punjab

Uzma Arshad, Anwish Ali and Shehlla Qadir


Objective: To ascertain the prevalence of GDM, identify risk factors that are related with it, and examine the GDM in relation to sociodemographic factors such age, income, family history, parity, education, physical activity, and nutrition.

Study Design: A cross-sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Multan Medical and Dental College, Multan, Pakistan, from February 2023 to January 2024.

Methods: A 50 gm glucose challenge test was used to screen 158 pregnant women for GDM during the study period. If the results were normal, the test was re-conducted between 23 and 26 week’s duration of gestation and then at 32 week’s duration. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed and, repeated between weeks 22-27 of gestation, and GDM is identified. GDM risk factors were also noted.

Results: In studied population, GDM prevalence was 21.66%. Increased body mass index (BMI) was substantially correlated with a higher prevalence of GDM patients. Strong correlation exists for BMI > 27 kg/m2 (0.001%). There is also a high correlation with a history of diabetes, a recent history of GDM (p<0.0001), and large for gestational age (LGA) babies. The prevalence of GDM was found to be substantially higher in mothers over the age of 26 (0.001), but parity did not show any statistically significant correlation (p=0.439). Substantially more common in GDM patients were pre-eclampsia and polyhydramnios.

Conclusion: Globally, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) incidencehas been rising, and major contributing factors to this trend include sedentary lifestyles, urbanization, lack of exercise, and dietary changes. Important risk factors for GDM included maternal age over 26, BMI over 27 kg/m2, history of diabetes in family, history of GDM, and history of live birth. We advise screening expectant mothers for GDM and opening a distinct diabetes prenatal clinic with a diabetic counselor and diabetician on staff.

Key Words: Gestational Diabetes, Associated Maternal Factor, South Punjab

Citation of article: Arshad U, Ali A, Qadir S. Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes and Associated Maternal Factor Among Patients of South Punjab. Med Forum 2024;35(11):177-181. doi:10.60110/medforum.351138.