38. Frequency of Nail Clubbing in Patients with Various Presentation of Tuberculosis
Kanwal Abbas Bhatti1, Soniha Aslam2 and Kuldeep Kumar3
Objective: This study is designed to evaluate the frequency of TB patients presenting with digital clubbing because of different complications of TB.
Study Design: Observational study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the Institute of Chest diseases at Kotri, Sindh Pakistan from January 2016 to December 2016.
Materials and Methods: A total of 50 patients admitted through the outpatient department, presenting with the different complications of tuberculosis, treated and untreated both were included in the study. Patients with comorbidities like cardiovascular and diabetes were excluded. After consent detailed history was taken and complete physical examination was performed with necessary laboratory investigations and also radiological findings conformed by senior consultants. Demographic data, radiological findings and clubbing were tabulated and analyzed
Results: During study period 50 patients were enrolled in study out of which 42 (84%) males and females 08(12%) between age group 15-30 years 15(30%), 31-45 years 11(22%) and in age group of 46-60 include 24(48%). Most of the patients 35(70%) belong to rural areas while 15(30%) from urban areas. In 22(44%) patient there was family history of TB while 28(56%) had not any history of TB. Smoking habits was observed in 34(68%) while 16(32%) never smoked. Majority of patients belonged to lower economic class 43(86%) while 07(14%) belongs to middle class also.
Conclusion: The global TB community cannot afford to continue ignoring this facet of TB care and control and needs to act with urgency to address what is likely to be a huge public health burden.
Key Words: Nail Clubbing, Patients, Tuberculosis
Citation of article: Bhatti KA, Aslam S, Kumar K. Frequency of Nail Clubbing in Patients with Various Presentation of Tuberculosis. Med Forum 2017;28(3):153-156.