35.Six Week Melatonin Therapy Improves the Triglyceride to HDLc Ratio and Prevents Atherogenic Tendency
Aftab Abbasi1, Hina Mawani3, Abdul Majid2, Asim Mehmood4, Rasheed Ahmed Soomro5 and Samreen Pandhiani6
Objective: To observe the effects of six weeks melatonin oral therapy on TAGs/HDLc ratio and atherogenic tendency in alloxan induced diabetic rat model.
Study Design: Experimental study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy, Pharmacology, and Pathology, SRMC, Tando Adam from May 2019 to December 2020.
Materials and Methods: A sample of one hundred male Wistar albino rats was divided equally into five groups. Group A (negative control) and B (positive diabetic control) were untreated. While Experimental groups D, E and F were treated with melatonin 5, 10 and 15 mg/Kg bwt daily orally for six weeks. Alloxan (120 mg/Kg body weight) was injected (i.p) to induce diabetes mellitus. Blood samples were analyzed for biochemical testing. Log TAG/HDLc ratio was defined as atherogenic index of plasma (AIP). Data variables were analyzed statistically (SPPSS ver. 21.0) at 95% CI (p ≤ 0.05).
Results: Six weeks melatonin therapy significantly ameliorated the glycemic control (glucose, A1C, fasting insulin and C – peptide), blood lipids (Cholesterol, TAGs, LDLc and HDLc) of experimental diabetic rats (P=0.0001). TAGs/HDLc ratio (atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) was significantly improved after six weeks melatonin therapy (P=0.0001).
Conclusion: We report six week melatonin therapy improves triglyceride to HDLc ratio thus preventing the atherogenic tendency.
Key Words: Melatonin, Lipid profile, TAG/HDLc ratio, Atherogenicity
Citation of article: Abbasi , Mawani H, Majid A, Mehmood A, Soomro RA, Pandhiani S. Six Week Melatonin Therapy Improves the Triglyceride to HDLc Ratio and Prevents Atherogenic Tendency. Med Forum 2021;32(7):151-155.