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  3. 34. Outcome of Different Surgical Modalities in the Management of Benign Surgical Jaundice
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34. Outcome of Different Surgical Modalities in the Management of Benign Surgical Jaundice

Original Article

Surgical Modalities in the Management of Benign Surgical Jaundice

Outcome of Different Surgical Modalities in the Management of Benign Surgical Jaundice

Bushra Ghulam1, Shabbir Ahmed2,  Muhammad Mumtaz Ather3,  Sumera Nighat4, Ammara Tariq4  and Sumta Khan2


Objective: Assessed the short-term results of surgical intervention for patients with benign obstructive jaundice.

Study Design: Cross-sectional observational study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the surgery department of Bakhtawar Amin Medical & Dental College, Multan, from August 2023 to July 2024.

Methods: A study was conducted on patients with obstructive jaundice who were admitted to surgery department. Thirty four patients who were positively diagnosed with extrahepatic obstructive jaundice were included in this study. Patients were assessed at preoperative stage and after that at intraoperative and postoperatively. Complete data include demographics of patients, duration of disease (jaundice), laboratory findings, and cause of obstructive jaundice, findings of ultrasonography and treatment modalities used. In addition to surgical procedures, we assessed postoperative complications, hospital stay duration, time to jaundice resolution, and overall mortality.

Results: In patients undergoing Whipple's pancreaticoduodenectomy, wound infection was the most common complication, occurring in 6 patients (54.5%). In those who underwent cyst excision with Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy, mild pulmonary complications were most prevalent, affecting 5 patients (45.5%). For Whipple's pancreaticoduodenectomy, pulmonary complications without intubation in the ICU were observed in 3 patients (50.0%). Bile leakage was most frequently seen in patients who underwent cholecystojejunostomy with jejunojejunostomy, occurring in 4 patients (66.7%).

Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that surgical treatment for benign obstructive jaundice is generally effective and associated with acceptable short-term outcomes. Most patients experienced significant clinical improvement, with complications being relatively short-lived and manageable. Further research is needed to optimize patient care and enhance surgical outcomes for future patients with benign obstructive jaundice.

Key Words: Benign obstructive jaundice, surgical modalities, postoperative outcomes, ultrasonography.

Citation of article: Ghulam B, Ahmed S, Ather MM, Nighat S, Tariq A, Khan S. Outcome of Different Surgical Modalities in the Management of Benign Surgical Jaundice. Med Forum 2024;35(11):160-164. doi:10.60110/medforum.351134.