34. Comparison of Intravenous Dexamethasone Adjunctive to Bupivacaine with Perineural Dexamethasone Adjunctive to Bupivacaine in Ultra Sound Guided Interscelene Brachial Plexus Block
Asif Nadeem1 and Muhammad Muazzam Butt2
Objective: To compare intravenous dexamethasone with perineural dexamethasone as adjunctive in bupivacaine in ultrasound guided interscelene block.
Study Design: Randomized control trial study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Operation theatres of Sahara Medical College from 01-08-2019 to 01-06-2020.
Materials and Methods: In randomized control trial 135 patients divided in Group X,Y,Z and received bupivacaine, intravenous Dexamethasone 0.25 mg/kg, perineural dexamethasone 0.15mg/kg as adjunctive in interscelene block.
Results: Mean onset of sensory block in minutes was 9.17+1.34, 9.48+1.42 and 8.3+1.01 consecutively in groups X, Y and Z. Time to onset of sensory block was lowest in group Z and highest in group X with significant level of 0.001. Onset of motor block in minutes 10.4+1.03, 10.28+1.19, 9.31+0.96 consecutively in groups X, Y and Z. Time of onset of motor block was significantly low in group Z and highest in group X with significance level of 0.001. Mean time of analgesia in minutes was 820.08+64.01, 901.96+48.01, 972+27.8 consecutively in groups X, Y and Z. Time of analgesia was highest in group Z and was lowest in group X with significance level of 0.001.
Conclusion: Higher doses of I/V dexamethasone can prolong analgesia and shorten onset of motor and sensory block when compared with bupivacaine alone but not superior to perineural dexamethasone in conjunction with bupivacaine in interscelene block.
Key Words: Dexmethasone intravenous, Bupivacaine, interscelene block
Citation of article: Nadeem A, Butt MM. Comparison of Intravenous Dexamethasone Adjunctive to Bupivacaine with Perineural Dexamethasone Adjunctive to Bupivacaine in Ultra Sound Guided Interscelene Brachial Plexus Block. Med Forum 2020;31(9):146-150.