33. Evaluation of Psycho-Social Environment of Army Public Schools and Private Schools in Rawalpindi – A Comparative Study
Omer Iftikhar Kahloon1, Zainab Omer2, Muhammad Hamza Khan4, Hynniya bint E Riaz2, Ammara Ibqal Muhammad3
Objective: The objectives of the study was to determine the existing psychosocial environment of Army Public Schools at Rawalpindi; in order to identify the gaps and provide viable recommendations for improvement.
Study Design: Cross-sectional mix-method study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the AFPGMI, National University of Medical Sciences (LUMS), Rawalpindi from February 2020 to August 2020.
Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional mix-method study was carried out with 486 participants (teachers & staff) from APS and high end private schools located in Rawalpindi district, using universal sampling technique. WHO designed Psycho-social Environment (PSE) questionnaire with Likert scale 1 to 4, covering 7 quality areas was used. Using SPSS version 23 mean and standards deviations for the responses as well as Pearson correlation was used to find the relation between two. P value less than 0.001 was considered significant.
Results: Out of 486 participants, 420 were from APS, while 66 from private schools with female to male ratio of 71% to 29% respectively. There was significant difference in quality area 1 - Providing a Friendly, Rewarding and Supportive Atmosphere (p<0.001) with private schools having mean score of 62.56±8.80, while APS schools secured 58.79 ± 7.42. There was statistically no significant difference between APS and private schools in other quality areas 2-7. In terms of overall percentage comparison, private schools reported slightly better psychosocial environment of schools than APS.
Conclusion: The findings highlighted a need to improve psychosocial environment of schools in terms of providing friendly, rewarding and supportive atmosphere in school.
Key Words: Psycho-Social Environment, Army Public Schools, Private Schools
Citation of article: Kahloon OI, Omer Z, Khan MH, Riaz HB, Muhammad AI. CDO. Evaluation of Psycho-Social Environment of Army Public Schools and Private Schools in Rawalpindi – A Comparative Study. Med Forum 2023;34(5):139-144.