32. Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Sepsis
Siraj Ahmed Butt1, Faheem Ahmed Memon1, Muhammad Kashif Shaikh2, Santosh Kumar1, Muhammad Hasnain1 and Abdul Ghani Shaikh3
Objective: To determine the vitamin D deficiency in patients with sepsis.
Study Design: cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the at Tertiary Care Hospital Hyderabad / Jamshoro during July 2018 to December 2018.
Materials and Methods: The inclusion criteria were the patient of age ≥ 18 years along with any two or more of the mentioned components as (I) fever (II) increase heart rate (III) increase respiratory rate and (IV) increase or decrease total leukocyte count with 10% immature form while the exclusion criteria were pregnant and lactating women, patient already on vitamin D supplements or anti epileptic therapy, chronic liver / renal disease, malabsorption syndrome and the patients known case of malignancy and osteomalacia. The vitamin D levels were measured in all these patients at the time of admission or within 24 hours whereas each patient was followed till discharge or expired or left the hospital against medical advice and the outcomes was measures. The frequency and percentages were computed for categorical variables whereas the mean ± SD was computed for numerical variables.
Results: During study period total fifty women of sepsis were recruited and studied had mean age ± SD identified as 55.54±7.63 (yrs). Regarding gender the male and female population was observed as male 30(60%) and female 20 (40%), diabetes mellitus as 27 (54%), residence as urban 15 (30%), rural 35 (70%), type of infection as wound infection 30 (60%), abdominal infections 08 (16%) and soft tissue infections 12 (24%) while the sepsis severity as septic shock 11 (22%), severe sepsis 12 (24%) and sepsis 27 (54%) and outcomes as mortality 08 (16%), discharge from hospital 38 (76%), and left against medical advise 04 (8.0%) and vitamin d deficiency was detected in 35 (70%) patients with sepsis.
Conclusion: This study shown that the persons who have vitamin D deficiency are more prone to infection and sepsis and have higher mortality rate and poor outcome.
Key Words: Vitamin D, Sepsis and Septic shock
Citation of article: Butt SA, Memon FA, Shaikh MK, Kumar S, Hasnain M, Shaikh AG. Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Sepsis. Med Forum 2021;32(3):133-135.