31.Safe Practice of Bipolar Current for Hemostasis in Pediatric Circumcision with Plastibell at a THQ Hospital Lahore: A Single Surgeon Experience
Sidra Dil Muhammad1, Muhammad Saad Faisal2, and Muhammad Rizwan Saeed4
Objective: To determine the outcome of use of bipolar current for hemostasis in pediatric circumcision with Plastibell performed by a single surgeon at a THQ hospital in order to recognize safe use of bipolar current was the objective of this study.
Study Design: Retrospective Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Government THQ Hospital Sabzazar, Lahore form June, 2018 to December, 2020.
Materials and Methods: 541 uncircumcised infants, aged 1-9 months. Infants with Congenital Cardiac & respiratory disorders, Jaundice, Bleeding disorders, Urinary tract infection, Balantitis, Paraphimosis, buried penis and for Revision circumcision, were excluded. All circumcisions were performed with the use of Plastibell device by the single consultant surgeon under local anesthesia. Bipolar current with short burst was utilized at frenulum to secure hemostasis. Infants’ demographics and postoperative outcome were recorded.
Results: The mean age of infants was 3.07±1.94 months (Range: 1-9 months). Only one infant (0.18%) had congenital abnormality i.e. albinism. Mean clotting time and Mean Bleeding time were 10.04±1.29 min. and 3.51 ±0.98 min, respectively. Mean duration of surgery and Mean hospital stay were 5.97±4.01 min. and 20.54±10.96 min., respectively. There was penile swelling in 4.25% infants, Hemorrhage in 0.0%, Glans injury in 0.0%, Meatus injury in 0.0%, Urine retention in 0.0%, Penile/ glans necrosis in 0.0% and Wound infection in 0.0% infants. Removal of Plastibell for hemostasis was not required in any case (0.0%) in our study.
Conclusion: Bipolar current for hemostasis in pediatric circumcision is safe in experienced hands.
Key Words: Bipolar Current; Hemostasis; Pediatric Circumcision; Plastibell
Citation of article: Muhammad SD, Faisal MS, Saeed MR. Safe Practice of Bipolar Current for Hemostasis in Pediatric Circumcision with Plastibell at a THQ hospital Lahore: A Single Surgeon Experience. Med Forum 2021;32(8):137-139.