30. Pattern of Fatal Injury and Weapon Used in Homicidal Deaths on Autopsy In Peshawar
Abid Karim1, Hakim Khan Afridee2 and Muhammad Hasan Abid2
Objective: To study Pattern of Fatal injury and weapon used in homicidal deaths on autopsy at Peshawar.
Study Design: Retrospective Study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Forensic Medicine Department, Jinnah Medical College, Peshawar and Khyber Medical College Peshawar from January 2014 to August 2016.
Materials and Methods: Three thousand four hundred ninety one autopsies were included in this retrospective study. The victims of homicidal death between age (10 years and above) and both gender were included in the study. A performa was designed to record Age, sex, area, type of fatal injury and weapon used. Permission of Ethical Committee permission was obtained from the institute to collect and publish the data. Research material was analyzed for results on SSPS version 10.
Results: In this retrospective study maximum 1011 cases (28.9%) and 1303 cases (37.3%) of homicidal death fall in age groups 21-30 years and 31-40 years respectively as compared to other age grou s as shown in table no. 01. Male victims are more prone to homicidal deaths as compared to female victims 2884 male (82.6%) and 607 female (17.4%) as shown in table no .02. Victims of homicidal deaths were 2557 cases (73.2%) from urban area and from rural area 934 cases (26.8%) as shown in table no .03. In this study the incidence f fatal injury was maximum 2829 cases (81%) of firearm injury as compared to other fatal injuries as sh wn in table no. 04. It was also observed that firearm weapon was used in homicidal deaths maximally 2829 cases (81%) and the second most weapon used was sharp edge weapon 394 cases (11.28%) as shown in table no. 05.
Conclusion: Trend of homicidal deaths, due to firearms have in reased day by day. Therefore strict measures should be taken for the possession of illegal fire arm weapons. To ontrol and decrease crime in the country the law and order situation should be improved in the cou try.
Key Words: Pattern of fatal injury, Weapon, Homic dal deaths and Autopsy
Citation of articles: Karim A, Afridee HK, Abid MH. Pattern of Fatal Injury and Weapon Used in Homicidal Deaths on Autopsy In Peshawar. Med F um 2017;28(7):123-125.