3. Older Persons, Familial Care and Psychological Stresses: An AnthropoGerontological Approach on Health
1. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry 2. Aftab Ahmed 3. Adnan Nasir 4. Muhammad Sohail
5. Mahwish Zeeshan
1. Incharge, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology PMAS-AAU, Rawalpindi 2. Anthropologist, Association for Social
Development Islamabad 3,4 M.Sc (Anthropology), Department of Sociology & Anthropology, PMAS-AAU,
Rawalpindi 5. Lecturer of Sociology & Anthropology, PMAS-AAU, Rawalpindi
Objective: The aim of study was to explore the interrelationship of older persons‟ health with various psychological stresses in Rawalpindi city. Study Design: Cross Sectional
Place & Duration of Study: The study was commissioned to the research team on behalf of Help Age Pakistan (an INGO based in Islamabad). The data collection was done in various union councils of Rawalpindi city. The study duration was three months and lasted from September 2013 to December 2013.
Materials and Methods: Structured questionnaire was developed to collect information on Older Persons‟ health, economic and psychological status. In this regard, an extensive questionnaire was designed and pre-tested vigorously. Questionnaires were administered with the help of a research team that comprised the graduates of department of Anthropology of PMAS-Arid Agriculture University along with professionals of Regional Development Network (RDN) as well as field staff of Pakistan National Center on Ageing (PNCA).
Results: 414 (41.4%) respondents said that they felt lonely because they feel age gaps due to which they thought nobody at home could understand what they feel. As regards the frequency of visits by the kids or family members, the responses were Never (36.7%), Monthly (29.6%), Weekly (18.9%). To kill their time 16.2% OPs spent their time in mosque, shops, or parks, 14.1% spent time while staying at home.
Conclusion: The large majority of the OPs felt lonely because of the ignorance on behalf of the kids, families and indifferent attitude of society. There is a strong relationship between the mental stresses, economic instability of families and gradual loosening up of familial bond. The psychological stresses later on are increasing health problems and complications for OPs.
Key Words: Anthropology, Gerontology, Ageing, Older Persons (OPs), Health Issues, Mental Health,
Psychological Stress, Loneliness, Social Isolation, Social Exclusion