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  3. 3. Isolation and Identification of Vibrio Cholerae from Stool Sample and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern in Baluchistan Pakistan
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3. Isolation and Identification of Vibrio Cholerae from Stool Sample and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern in Baluchistan Pakistan

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Isolation and Identification of Vibrio Cholerae from Stool

Isolation and Identification of Vibrio Cholerae from Stool Sample and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern in Baluchistan Pakistan

Ashiq Hussain1,5, Yasmeen Lashari3, Muhammad Mazhar1, Fazal ur Rahman1, Iftikhar ul Haq4, and  Shahid Ali Magsi2


Objective: This study aimed to isolate and identify Vibrio cholerae from stool samples, as well as to analyze the antibiotic sensitivity profile of the isolated strains.

Study Design: Cross-sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Microbiology Laboratory of the BMCH and Centre for Advanced Studies in Vaccinology and Biotechnology (CASVAB) Quetta from January to December 2023.

Methods: A total 273 samples were collected from all over of Balochistan. Out of all the samples, 61 were found positive for V. cholerae and were subsequently analyzed and identified using colony characteristics on thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose (TCBS) agar, biochemical tests, serological identification using specific antisera, and antimicrobial susceptibility was assessed using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion technique. The inhibition zones were measured and evaluated following the outlined recommended by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).

Results: Among 273 suspected stool samples, 61(22.34%) strains of V. cholerae belonged to the serotype O1, sub-serotype Ogawa. V. cholerae O1 infection was significantly more prevalent 21 (7.69%) among aged 51 years to 60 years. The results showed that the proportion of female patients 38 (13.91%) was higher compared to male patients 23 (8.42%). The incidence of V. cholerae infection peaked during the summer 9.89%, followed by autumn 5.12%, spring 4.02% and winter recorded the lowest incidence 3.29%. All isolates of V. cholerae were 100% sensitive to Levofloxacin, Azithromycin, and Imipenem. Sensitivity was 95% for Kanamycin, 90% for Ciprofloxacin, 83% for Ceftriaxone, 80% for Doxycycline, and 79% for Amikacin. However, all isolates (100%) were completely resistant to Sulfonamides-Trimethoprim, Nalidixic acid, and Ampicillin. Additionally, a resistance rate 71% was observed for Tetracycline.

Conclusion: Continuous and systematic surveillance is essential to monitor the changing patterns of antibiotic susceptibility and the evolving serotypes of pathogens. This will help in detecting emerging resistance trends, guiding appropriate treatment strategies, and informing public health policies to control the spread of resistant strains more effectively.

Key Words: Cholera, Vibrio cholerae, Antibiotic, Baluchistan

Citation of article: Hussain A, Lashari Y, Mazhar M Rahman F, Haq I, Magsi SA. Isolation and Identification of Vibrio Cholerae from Stool Sample and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern in Baluchistan Pakistan. Med Forum 2024;35(11):16-19. doi:10.60110/medforum.351103.