29. Mono-Polartrans Urethral Resection of Prostate; A Third World Gold Standard
Shahnawaz1, M. Babar Baig1, Mahmood Ahmad2, Muhammad Umer Baloch3, Khalil Mobin2 and Bilal Suria4
Objective: To show the safety profile of Monopolar Trans Urethral resection of Prostate weighing more than 80 grams
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Urology, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College and Lyari General Hospital from January 2013 to July 2017.
Materials and Methods: Seventy two patients were selected through non probability purposive sampling. Inclusion criteria consisted of patients having 81gm to 161 gm Prostate; having failed trial without catheter and could not bear symptoms and cost. High risk patients were excluded. Monopolar Trans urethral resection of Prostate was performed by a single surgeon using standard technique.
Results: Mean age of the patients was 65 years with SD 7, minimum 50 and maximum 90 years. Twenty six patients were diabetic and hypertensive. Mean size of the prostate was 93 gm with minimum 81 and maximum 161. Consistency of the prostate was found hard in three and tenderness in five of the prostates. Three (4%)of the patients had malignancy of prostate. Escherichia Coli was the most common pathogen.
Conclusion: M-TURP is economical and is a locally easily available procedure with good safety profile and durable results.
Key Words: M-TURP, BPH, B-TURP
Citation of articles: Shahnawaz, Baig MB, Ahmad M, Baloch MU, Mobin K, Suria B. Mono-Polartrans Urethral Resection of Prostate; A Third World Gold Standard. Med Forum 2019;20(1):124-128.