29. Comparison Between Bipolar Diathermy and Silk Ligation Technique During Tonsillectomy
Muhamad Saleem Sheikh, Mohammad Sharif Shahid, Sanaullah Bhatti and Mohammad Hassan Nisar
Objective: Comparison of post operative hemorrhage and operative time by using diathermy and silk ligation during tonsillectomy for intra operative hemorrhage control, in Pakistan.
Study Design: Randomized controlled trail study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Otorhinolaryngology Department of Nishtar hospital, Multan from June 2016 to December 2018.
Materials and Methods: Patient selection was in accordance with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two groups A and B were made and patients were randomly allottedthe group. Intra operative hemostasis was done by bipolar diathermy and suture ligation in group B and A respectively. SPSS software was utilized for comparison and analysis of data.
Results: Younger patients below the age of 15 constituted the majority of patients in both group A (54.70 percent) and group B(55.56 percent). In our study, males were predominant (n=167) and the rest (n=67) were females. Use of bipolar diathermy cut the time of operation to almost half in the group B compared to the use of silk ligation as hemorrhage control in group A and that difference is statistically significant with the p value of less than 0.0001. In contrast to the intra operative time benefit, use of bipolar diathermy associates with much higher incidence of secondary hemorrhage(n=12 in group B) than suture ligation (n=03)and this incidence was statistically significant (p= 0.016).
Conclusion: Though it is time consuming but use of silk ligation is safer and associated with less chances of post operative secondary hemorrhage compared to diathermy, when used in hemostasis during tonsillectomy.
Key Words: Post operative secondary hemorrhage, tonsillectomy, bipolar, silk ligation, diathermy, time of operation.
Citation of articles: Sheikh MS, Shahid MS, Bhatti S, Nisar MH. Comparison Between Bipolar Diathermy and Silk Ligation Technique During Tonsillectomy. Med Forum 2019;30(2):112-115.