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  3. 28. Body Image Dissatisfaction and Unhealthy Supplement Use Among Orthodontic Adolescent Patients Presenting with Oral Ulcers
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28. Body Image Dissatisfaction and Unhealthy Supplement Use Among Orthodontic Adolescent Patients Presenting with Oral Ulcers

Original Article

Dissatisfaction and Unhealthy Supplement Use Among Orthodontic

Body Image Dissatisfaction and Unhealthy Supplement Use Among Orthodontic Adolescent Patients Presenting with Oral Ulcers

Kiran Nayyar1, Abdul Rashid2, Muhammad Azeem3, Asmi Shaheen3, Hafiz Shakir Mehmood2 and Sara Mehmood Malik3


Objective: To determine the association of body image dissatisfaction with supplement use among orthodontic adolescent patients with oral ulcers.

Study Design: cross-sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the de’ Montmorency College of Dentistry, Lahore  from January 2024 to June 2024.

Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out using consecutive nonprobability sampling and 314 adolescents presenting with either oral mucositis or aphthous ulcers or candidiasis were selected. We used a prevalidated self-administered questionnaire containing 9 silhouette diagrams for body image and questions regarding the use of supplements and source of information. We measured their dissatisfaction with their own body image by asking their own perception and their wish.

Results: Out of 314 adolescent boys, 35 (11.1%) boys were under-weight, 189 (60.2%) had normal weight, 53 (16.9%) were overweight, and 37 (11.8%) were obese. 218 (69.4%) adolescents were dissatisfied with their body image. 191 (60.8%) boys reported that if they had the chance to change their appearance, they will do. 66 (21%) actually currently using food supplements. 159 (50.6%) participants consider using supplements to change their
 body image. The most reported reasons of using supplements were enhancing athletic performance (47%), muscle building (22.7%), losing weight (21.2%), and increasing weight (9.1%).

Conclusion: It is concluded that body image dissatisfaction and supplement use is prevalent among orthodontic adolescent patients with oral ulcers. They use supplements to improve masculinity, appearance and modifying the weight.

Key Words: Body image, self-perception, satisfaction, body size, supplements, practice, attitude, oral ulcers  

Citation of article: Nayyar K, Rashid A, Azeem M, Shaheen A, Mehmood HS, Malik SM. Body Image Dissatisfaction and Unhealthy Supplement Use Among Orthodontic Adolescent Patients Presenting with Oral Ulcers. Med Forum 2024;35(11):131-135. doi:10.60110/medforum.351128.