27.Morphometrical Analysis of Diaphyseal Nutrient Foramina of Adult Human Dry Fibulae
Noman Ullah Wazir1, Muhammad Haris2, Najma Baseer4, Sobia Haris3, Farah Deeba3 and Muhammad Jehangir Khan5
Objective: To investigate and analyze the morphometry of diaphyseal nutrient foramina in adult human dry fibulae.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy, Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Pakistan from September, 2021.
Materials and Methods: The materials contained dry fibulae of a total of 20, out of which 12 were of the right side and 8 were left sided. The bone’s length and the dimension of the nutrient foramina from the proximal end were determined. The Foramen Index (FI) was computed utilizing the formula such as the length/distance of nutrient foramen (DNF) from proximal end was divided by the total bone’s length (TL), and then multiplied by a factor of 100. FI = (DNF/TL) x100.
Results: A single nutrient foramen was found in 13 bones (65%) in the left sided ones and 07 bones (35%) in the right sided fibulae. The left fibula had an average length of 34.6±2.3 cm while the right fibula had a length of 34.9±2.2 cm. On the left side, the FI was 47.5±7.6 while on the right side, it was 50.3±11.5. Type-I foramen was discovered in two (10%) bones, Type-II was found in 15 (75%) bones, and Type-III was found in three (15%) bones in the right fibulae. Whereas, in Left Fibulae, Type-I foramen was not discovered in any of the bone, Type-II was found in 18 (90%), and Type-III was found in two bones (10%).
Conclusion: These findings add to our knowledge of the morphometry of nutrient foramina of the adult human dry fibulae. Now a days, microvascular bone transfer becomes increasingly prevalent, such information about nutrient foramina will be useful to orthopedic and trauma surgeons.
Key Words: Anatomy, diaphyseal foramen, dry fibula, human, morphometry, nutrient foramen.
Citation of article: Wazir N, Haris M, Baseer N, Haris S, Deeba F, Khan MJ. Morphometrical Analysis of Diaphyseal Nutrient Foramina of Adult Human Dry Fibulae. Med Forum 2022;33(3):113-115.