27.Frequency and Association of Acne Vulgaris and BMI: A Case Control Study
Urooj Mirza1, Aqsa Naheed2, Taha Naveed3, Aashi Ahmed3, Tehzeeb Zehra4 and
Nadia Nisar3
Objective: To determine the association between increased BMI and Acne vulgaris in young female.
Study Design: case control study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the THQ Taxila from October 2022 to March 2023.
Materials and Methods: A total of 270 females out of which 135 unmarried females with acne aged 10 to 30 years old were enrolled as cases and 135 matching controls through non probability convenience sampling. Married females with acne, receiving systemic retinoid in the previous 6 months, oral antibiotics, hormone treatment in the previous two weeks were not included. GAG score was used to assess the grade of acne and BMI of the participants was calculated. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS-28. Height and weight were expressed in mean and standard deviation. For relationship between BMI and GAG scores among cases, pearson correlation coefficient
was used.
Results: The relationship between BMI and GAG scores among cases, pearson correlation coefficient (r= .25) was weakly positive and statistically significant weak positive association was observed between BMI and GAG scores. (p=.004).
Conclusion: The present study found no significant difference in BMI between acne cases and controls. However, a weak positive correlation was observed between BMI and GAG scores among acne cases.
Key Words:Acne vulgaris, BMI, GAG score.