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  3. 27. Incidence of Brain Tumours in Children and Adults in Pakistan
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27. Incidence of Brain Tumours in Children and Adults in Pakistan

Nauman Idris Butt1, Fatima Kashif2, Faisal Iqbal3, Shafiq Ur Rehman5 and Kamran Hamid4


Objective: To study the incidence of Brain Tumours in Children and Adults in Pakistan

Study Design: Retrospective Study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Pathology Department of Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot and Aziz Bhatti Teaching Hospital Gujrat from January2016 to February 2020.

Materials and Methods: The histopathology records of all patients with brain tumors were reviewed which were received, diagnosed and operated for brain tumors. In addition to types and site of the tumor, patient demographics including sex and age were also recorded. To highlight the sex distribution and age frequency amongst each age group, the age of the patients was divided in two broad groups 1 (0-14 years) and 14 -82 years. The written informed was taken before collecting the data from each patient and permission of Ethical Committee was also considered before collecting the data and publishing in medical journal. The data was analyzed for results by SSPP version 10.

Results: Incidence of Benign 16 (30.76%) Small Round Blue Cell Tumor 09 (17.30%) Medulloblastoma 11 (21.15%) High grade glioma 06 (11.53%) Low grade glioma 07(13.46%) Glioblastoma multiform 03(5.76%) Total 52(100%). Incidence of GBM 27(21.95%) Meningioma 25(20.32%) Benign 25(20.32%) Low grade glioma 23(18.69%) Metastatic carcinoma 05(4.06%) High grade glioma 04(3.25%) DLBCL 02(1.62%) Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 03(2.43%) Non diagnostic 09(7.31%). One hundred seventy-five patients with brain tumors, of ages between 2-82 years had underwent surgery during the study period. Out of these, 154(88%) were males and 21(12%) were females. Male to female ratio was 13.63:1. The mean age of patients was 6.73 (±0.21) years. A distinct overall male predominance was noted in all tumor types.

Conclusion: Population-based studies were required to determine the cancer burden due to pediatric malignancies of the brain in this population and for the morphological categorization of brain tumors in Pakistan. Conventional hematoxyl in-eosin staining is the mainstay for pathological diagnosis in most of the cases, however Immuno histochemistry (IHC) has a major role in differential diagnosis and improving diagnostic accuracy in difficult cases not only in general surgical pathology but also in neurooncologic pathology.

Key Words: Incidence, Brain Tumours, Pakistan

Citation of article: Butt NI, Kashif F, Iqbal F, Rehman S, Hamid K. Incidence of Brain Tumours in Children and Adults in Pakistan. Med Forum 2020;31(9):111-114.