27. Effects of Cleome Brachycarpa Ethanol Extract on Liver and Kidney Tissues of Rats: A Prospective Study Focusing on Histopathological Variations
Hira Naeem1, Rehana Parveen1, Ijaz Hussain Zaidi2 and Mohammad Mahmood3
Objective: To know the histological and morphological changes after treating Cleome brachycarpa ethanol extract on liver and kidney tissues in rats.
Study Designs: Experimental/interventional comparative study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pharmacology, Baqai Medical College University, Karachi from 20 June 2014 to 15 Oct 2015.
Materials and Methods: Albino rats (200±5 grams) were collected from a maintained and well established animal house of Hussain Ebrahim Jamal (HEJ) Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi. The animals were housed for 12/12 hours light/dark cycle in the animal house of Baqai Medical University at a temperature of about 25±2Ċ. Animals in Group A (Control, n=09), albino rats (200±5 grams) were given normal saline orally. In Group
B: (Test, n=09) in this group albino rats (200±5 grams) received Cle me brachycar a extract 200 mg/kg orally for fifteen days.
Results: Few morphological and pathological changes were observed in the liver & kidney tissues of treated animals at the dose of 200 mg/kg. Normal parenchyma (B) cells of liver were found, but in kidney tissues figure 2(B) mild tubulitis but in figure 2(C) intra-tubular neutrophilic cast (A) was found in figure 2(D) & no any other changes observed. Significant congestion of portal tra t (A) was found. Significant lobular inflammation (A) was found. Inflammatory calls were present in central ve n and portal tract (A) Figure 1(d). No any fatty alteration and necrotic changes were found. Fibrotic changes, Steatos s and Cholestasis were not found but in kidney tissues figure
2(b) and c showed patchy tubulitis. Intratubular eutroph l c cast (A) was found in figure 1(d) and no any other change observed.
Conclusion: This study established that Cle me brachycarpa do not have marked effect on histopathological features of liver and kidneys. However, mild inflammati n was seen in liver and kidneys which may be beneficial in remedial progression. Therefore the ex act f Cle me brachycarpa is less toxic and further studies are required to determine its human consumption.
Key Words: Cleome brachycarpa, liver and kidney tissues
Citation of articles: Naeem H, Parv n R, Zaidi IH, Mahmood M. Effects of Cleome Brachycarpa Ethanol
Extract on Liver and Kidn y Tissu s of Rats: A Prospective Study Focusing on Histopathological Variations..
Med Forum 2017;28(7):110-114