27. Assessment of Oligohydramnios in Pregnant Women: Outcome of Hydration Therapy
Sadia Rashid1, Samia Perwaiz Khan2, Safia Izhar3, Shazia Kadri3, Saira Ghafoor1 and Nazish Ali4
Objective: The study was designed to determine the role of ultrasound as a tool in assessing of low amniotic fluid index (AFI) or Oligohydramnios and perinatal outcomes. Determination of improvement in low AFI on Hydration therapy.
Study Design: Case-Control study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the tertiary care hospitals from May 2019 to May 2020. Data was collected from Obstetrics & Gynecology and Sonology departments (Jinnah Medical and Dental College Hospital JMDCH and Medicare Cardiac & General Hospital) for period of one year. Four hundred pregnant women were included in the study.
Materials and Methods: Total two hundred pregnant women with oligohydramnios were included as cases and equal normal pregnant women as controls were included in study with no other medical issue. All those with any associate medical issue were excluded from this study. Amniotic fluid volume was measured by amniotic fluid index (AFI) or single deepest pocket (SDP)in pregnant women. Amniotic fluid index 5 cm was considered to be oligohydramnios and cause of number of complications such as preterm labour, low Apgar score , birth weight, infections and even cause fetal demise were recorded.
Results: Out of total, 200 pregnant women had the ultrasound finding of oligohydramnio. AFI less than 5 cm were oligohydramnios and between 5.1 to 7cms were borderline. Delivery before 37 weeks in 134 (69%) oligohydramnios cases and 30(15%) were normal controls. Birth weight less than 2.5 kg in 44 (22%) cases and 34 (17%) controls. Low APGAR scores calculated in cases both at 1 minute was 178(89%), at 5 min 22(11%) . NICU admission were done for 22(11%) neonates as compared to 14(7%) neonates o from normal pregnancies. Hydration therapy improved the amniotic fluid index (AFI) and outcome of pregnancies.
Conclusion: Oligohydramnios increases the risk of early delivery with low birth weight, APGAR score and increase risk of NICU admissions. Hydration therapy improved the amniotic fluid index (AFI)
Key Words: Amniotic fluid index, Oligohydramnios, Ultrasound, Hydration therapy. Amniotic fluid volume, Single deep pocket.
Citation of article: Rashid S, Khan SP, Izhar S, Kadri S, Ghafoor S, Ali N. Assessment of Oligohydramnios in Pregnant Women: Outcome of Hydration Therapy. Med Forum 2021;32(2):115-119.