26. Immature Permanent Teeth and Vital Pulp Therapy, Complete Caries Removal Versus Stepwise Excavation: A Review of Literature
Yasir Alyahya
Objective: This article reviews the literature pertaining to vital pulp therapy in immature permanent teeth with a focus on comparing two specific methods of caries removal. The significance, objectives, treatment options, indications, and outcomes of pulp capping and pulpotomy were discussed.
Study Design: Literature Review
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the College of Dentistry, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia from April to October 2020.
Materials and Methods: The PICO framework was used to formulate the research question. The search was conducted using specific MeSH terms and/or keywords related to ‘vital pulp, ‘pulpotomy’ and ‘permanent teeth’. The databases searched were Ovid MEDLINE and EMBASE, and EBM Reviews or Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials.
Results: Results were obtained after removing duplicates and irrelevant articles based on defined inclusion criteria. From the 248 articles identified, 26 were eligible and included in the literature review. The articles concerned with vital pulp therapy in immature permanent teeth were reviewed and the articles were analyzed.
Conclusion: Immature permanent teeth have the best prognosis if their vitality is maintained. With careful case selection and aseptic techniques, pulp capping and pulpotomy are good treatment options for maintaining the vitality of these teeth.
Key Words: Pulp capping; pulpotomy; vital pulp therapy; permanent teeth.
Citation of article: Alyahya Y. Immature Permanent Teeth and Vital Pulp Therapy, Complete Caries Removal Versus Stepwise Excavation: A Review of Literature. Med Forum 2022;33(10):115-120.