26. Evaluate the Mean Serum Calcium Levels in Pregnant Women with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Compare with Normotensive Pregnant Women
Saliha Farooq1, Wajiha Mehwish2, Sujaria Yaseen2, Nosheen Ghafar3, Sadaf Altaf4 and Unaiza Taufiq5
Objective: To examine the mean serum Ca levels in pregnant women presented with pregnancy induced hypertension and compare with normotensive pregnant women.
Study Design: Case control study.
Place and Duration: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, M. Islam Teaching Hospital Gujranwala from January 2019 to June 2019.
Materials and Methods: 200 pregnant women were enrolled. All women were equally divided into two groups. Group A comprised of 100 women with pregnancy induced hypertension and Group B with normal pregnancy was control group. Mean serum Ca level was examined and compare the findings between both groups.
Results: In group A mean age was 28.12±3.21 years and 26.43±4.12 years in Group B. The imean iserum iCalcium ilevels iin ipregnant iwomen iconvoluted iwith ipregnancy iinduced ihypertension with normotensive pregnant women was 7.86±0.39 mg/dl in Group A and 8.93±1.14 mg/dl in Group B (P<0.001).
Conclusion: It is concluded that mean serum Ca level was significantly lower in women iwith ipregnancy iinduced ihypertension as compared to women with normal pregnancy.
Key Words: Pregnancy induced hypertension,Serum Ca level
Citation of article: Farooq S, Mehwish W, Yaseen S, Ghafar N, Altaf S, Taufiq U. Evaluate the Mean Serum Calcium Levels in Pregnant Women with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Compare with Normotensive Pregnant Women. Med Forum 2020;31(1):99-102.