25. Efficacy of Copper Sulphate to Prevent Ophthalmic and Dermatological Human Infections
Naseer Ahmad Raja1, Aneela Khawaja2, Durdana Zafar3, Uzma Nazim1, Rubina Tallay Qasim4 and Muhammad Arshad Rana5
Objective: Copper is an essential trace element for human body. To date unfavorable effects of copper sulphate are related to environmental or occupational matters. No information has been documented regarding its use for healing or preventive purposes. This study determines the efficacy of copper sulphate in preventing ophthalmic and dermatological infections in humans in village of Punjab, Pakistan.
Study Design: Descriptive observational study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Community Medicine,Rahbar Medical & Dental College, Lahore from January, 2010 to December, 2020.
Materials and Methods: Total 400 study participants of different age groups (5-60 years), living in same environmental conditions, were divided into 2 equal groups as cases (n=200) and control (n=200). Gender distribution was equal in all age groups of both cases and control. Verbal consent was taken from all the adult subjects (18-60 years) and from parents of children (5-17 years). The participants of case group took Crystals of copper sulphate orally, in dose of 1 µgper Kg of body weight (¼ of millets size) after meal once weekly, usually with glass (250 ml) of milk. Control subjects did not take any medicine.
Results: Among 200 case participants, only 1.5% acquired ophthalmic and dermatologic infection. None of the children among case group developed any ophthalmic or skin disease. Among control group, 57% of the adult subjects expressed eye and skin infections (p-value .0016), while 16% children and 15% children developed eye and skin infection respectively.
Conclusion: The use of copper sulphate for therapeutic purposes has been reported for the first time. Local authorities must take regulatory measures regarding public awareness in terms of beneficial effects of copper sulphate.
Key Words: copper sulphate, beneficial effects, dermatologic, ophthalmic, infection
Citation of article: Naseer Ahmad, Aneela, Durdana, Uzma Nazim, Rubina Tallay Qasim and Muhammad
Arshad Rana. Efficacy of Copper Sulphate to Prevent Ophthalmic and Dermatological Human Infections.
Med Forum 2021;32(2):107-109.