24.Critical Analysis of Adverse Outcomes in Delayed Presentation of Ectopic Pregnancy
Saima Yasmin Qadir1 , Hajra Sultana1 , Kiran Sultana2 , Zahid Sarfraz1 , Shazia Siddiq1 and Sajjad Masood1
Objective: The objective of study is to critically analyze the adverse outcomes of delayed presentation in ectopic pregnancy to enhance the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment in females with acute abdomen in childbearing age.
Study Design: Descriptive / observational study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Gynecology Department, Nishtar Medical University and Hospital, Multan from January 2018 to December 2018.
Materials and Methods:This study was performed in patients with suspected ectopic pregnancy. The purposive non-probability sampling technique was used for the selection of patients, included patients between 13-50 years of age with abdominal pain with/without bleeding per vagina, missed cycles and hemodynamic instability. The patients with coagulation disorders and on anticoagulant treatment were excluded. Pregnancy was confirmed by urine dipstick/β- human chorionic gonadotrophin and ultrasound. The data was analyzed using statistical analysis program. Frequencies and percentages were presented for variables. Chi-square test was applied to establish the relationship between delayed presentation and complications and p ≤0.05 considered significant.
Results: Sixty two patients were diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy among total 7450 patients admitted in emergency department so the frequency of ectopic pregnancy was 0.85%. The main focus was emphasized on the time duration of symptoms to admission which showed strong relationship, delayed presentation lead to multiple risks like ruptured ectopic pregnancy (90%), presence of shock(76%), multiple blood transfusions (62%) and laparotomy (87%).Only six patients(10%) presented early and they received medical treatment (5%) and laparoscopy(5%), so timely diagnosis and treatment can reduce the morbidity and mortality related to ectopic pregnancy complications.
Conclusion: Timely diagnosis and proper management of patients presenting with ectopic pregnancy can improve outcomes and reduce the complications.
Key words: Mortality, Morbidity, Ectopic pregnancy, Shock. Laparotomy.
Citation of articles: Qadir SY, Sultana H, Sultana K, Sarfraz Z, Siddiq S, Masood S. Critical Analysis of Adverse Outcomes in Delayed Presentation of Ectopic Pregnancy. Med Forum 2019;30(4):103-106.