24. Groin Flap; A Simple and Versatile Option for Coverage of Hand Defects
Imran Adeel1, Ghazanfar Ali2, Tahir Iqbal Mirza3 and Muhammad Jalil Malik3
Objective: This study was conducted to share our experience of using groin flap for provision of soft tissue coverage to hand injuries.
Study Design: Descriptive Case Series study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the BVH Bahawalpur and CMH Bahawalpur from January 2014 to January 2020.
Materials and Methods: There are total 69 patients. Informed consent had been taken from all participantsInclusion Criteria: Post-traumatic Upper limb defects of hand and forearm. Age 20 to 45 years. Patients who were vitally stable on admission and were presented after emergency optimization. Those patients who did not had any associated co-morbidity like diabetes mellitus, uncontrolled hypertension and smoking. Patients who gave consent for this operation and follow-upsExclusion Criteria: Upper limb defects of arm and proximal forearm; those cannot reach to groin comfortably. Age of more than 45 years. Unstable patients that require life/limb saving surgery first. Patients with co-morbidities like diabetes mellitus, uncontrolled hypertension and smoking. Patients not willing to participate.
Results: Out of total 69 patients 64(92.75%) were male and 5(7.25%) were female. The mean age was 21.34 years. The most common etiology was road traffic accidents, n=34(49.28%) followed by Household injuries, n=17(24.64%) Table I. The most common complication seen in our study was infection, 4(5.80%) Table II.
Conclusion: Groin Flap is a very versatile flap for coverage because of its supple skin and robust blood supply. However, the cost of donor site morbidity should be minimized for through proper planning and meticulous surgical technique.
Key Words: Groin Flap, Price to Pay, versatile.
Citation of article: Adeel I, Ali G, Mirza TI, Malik MJ. Groin Flap; A Simple and Versatile Option for Coverage of Hand Defects. Med Forum 2021;32(4):95-99.