23. Prevalence of Depression in Earthquake 2005 Affected Areas of Muzaffarabad City (Azad Kashmir)
Shakeel Asif1, Nisar Ahmed Khan2 and Farooq Ahmed Noor2
Objective: The present study sought to assess prevalence of depression among earthquake survivors, to evaluate its severity and impact on life of survivals, and to identify and suggest future interventions and long term psychological rehabilitation services in the aftermath of disasters.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the most damaged area of Muzaffarabad city, ward 12, with a population of 3,020 people of more than 18 years of age. The total number of subjects was 430 and the study period was from 4th February 2012 till 4th October 2012.
Materials and Methods: Data was collected by cluster sampling using the systematic random sampling technique. ICD-10 Criteria for Depressive Illness was applied the participants for diagnosing Depression. The patients diagnosed as suffering from depressive illness were then assessed for the severity of depression using the Urdu translation of Beck Depression Inventory. Data was then analyzed using SPSS 10.0.
Results: Study findings revealed that among participants (n=430), mean age was 36 years (SD=12.44), males were 61.2%, females were 38.8%. Findings showed that frequency of depression was 32 % (mild-11.2%, moderate11.6%, severe-8.8%) after using the BDI scale.
Conclusion: The survivors of 2005 earthquake suffer from depression three times higher than the normal population. These findings lend further support in order to facilitate in planning long term in terms of psychological rehabilitation services and other interventions for the affected population improving their quality of life. Key Words: Depression, Earthquake, AJK
Citation of articles: Asif S, Khan NA, Noor FA. Prevalence of Depression in Earthquake 2005 Affected Areas of Muzaffarabad City (Azad Kashmir). Med Forum 2018;29(6):