23. Perception of 2nd Year Medical Students about the Role of Interactive Lectures of Anatomy in an Integrated Modular Curriculum
Humaira Gulnaz1, Noor Ijaz1, Saqib Mansoor2 and Nabila Kaukab2
Objective: To evaluate the role of interactive lectures in the teaching of anatomy in an integrated curriculum. Perception of students regarding importance of anatomy in clinical studies. Effectiveness of teaching innovations in anatomy lectures.
Study Design: Observational study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the University College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of the Lahore from June 2018 to November 2018.
Materials and Methods: Second professional MBBS students (n=125/150) were given well-structured & pretested questionnaire containing various queries to investigate their perception about teaching & learning of anatomy.
Results: The majority of the students was of the opinion that anatomy is an interesting subject (79%) and is relevant to clinical studies (90.4%). General anatomy is perceived to be more difficult than systemic anatomy by (56.0%) thestudents. Integration of anatomy with clinical knowledge helped in understanding of disease concept according to 88.8 %of the students. Majority of the students agreed that clinical correlation done in lectures was beneficial (74.4%) and explanation given was satisfactory (54.4%). Number, duration and flow of lectures was adequate according to70.4%, 68.0% and 60.8% of the students. As far as quality of lecture is concerned, there was an agreement of students that they are encouraged to ask questions (68%),delivery, pace of lecture was suitable, and lectures stimulated their interest in subject according to (56.8%) of the students. Material used during lectures was readable, useful and innovative according to 62.4%, 76.8% and 68.8% of the students. Didactic lecture was thought to be effective teaching method by (59.2%) of the students with power point presentation as an ideal learning media of (55.2%) students.
Conclusion: Majority of the students recommended that integrated teaching should be adopted along with case base learning and group discussion. An interactive lecture is an effective methodology in teaching of integrated curriculum.
Key Words: Interactive lectures, Anatomy, Teaching, Medical students, Integrated curriculum
Citation of articles: Gulnaz H, Ijaz N, Mansoor S, Kaukab N. Perception of 2nd Year Medical Students about the Role of Interactive Lectures of Anatomy in an Integrated Modular Curriculum. Med Forum 2019;20(1):95-100.