23. Examine the Prevalence of the Complications and Causes Associated With Foreign Body Patients
Munir Ahmad Baloch1, Sher Zeman1, Habibullaha Khajak2, Shahida Munir1 and
Shazia Ismail1
Objective: The prevalence of complications related to foreign body patients.
Study Design: Cross sectional
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of ENT, Bolan Medical College Hospital Quetta from June 2018 to December 2018.
Materials and Methods: A total of 205 patients both males and females of different age groups having foreign bodies in their external ear were included. Patients detailed history previous or current was examine. General anesthesia used to those having previous visualization and those who were uncooperative.
Results: There were 135 (65.85%) male patients and 70 (34.15%) were females. One hundred and fifteen (56.10%) patients were aged between less than 12 years, 60 (29.27%) patients were aged between 12 to 31 years and 30 (14.63%) patients had ages > 31 years. 62 (30.24%) patients had found bleeding, 41 (20%) patients had laceration, 5 (2.44%) patients had perforation and 97 (47.32%) patients had not found any complication. Cotton bud was the most frequent cause in foreign bodies’ patients found in 41.95% patients.
Conclusion: The use of sticks and cotton bud was found to be the most frequent cause of foreign body’s external ear. People use this method for cleaning their ears frequently but it is very harmful for external ear and can cause severe complications like bleeding and laceration as observed in this study. People should have to aware about this painful medical emergency.
Key Words: General anesthesia, External auditory canal, Foreign body, Complications, Causes
Citation of articles: Baloch JA, Zeman S, Khajak H, Munir S, Ismail S. Examine the Prevalence of the Complications and Causes Associated With Foreign Body Patients. Med Forum 2019;30(6):86-88.