22. Role of Modified Biophysical Profile in Predicting Fetal Outcome in High Risk Pregnancies
Nadia Zahid1, Kokab Zia1, Rubina Shahzad1, Amna Athar1, Irum Azeems2 and Rakhshanda Toheed3
Objective: To determine the role of modified biophysical profile in predicting fetal outcomes in women with high risk pregnancy.
Study Design: Prospective study
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Avicenna Medical College and Hospital, Lahore from 1st January to 31st December Dec 2018
Materials and Methods: One hundred and ten women with high risk pregnancy, gestation age >32 weeks attending antenatal outpatient clinic were included. Patients detailed demographic were recorded after informed consent. All the patients were examined by modified biophysical profile (combine non-stress test and amniotic fluid index). Fetal outcomes such as meconium stained liquor, Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes, admission to NICU and neonatal mortality were examined.
Results: The mean age of pregnant women was 25.32±5.25 years and mean gestational age was 36.02±0.85 weeks. Non-stress test and amniotic fluid index was normal in 70 (63.64%) patients and was abnormal in 13 (11.82%) women. Normal non-stress test and abnormal amniotic fluid index was 10 (9.10%) in women while abnormal non-stress test and normal amniotic fluid index was 17 (15.45%) in women. Meconium stained liquor found in 29 (26.36%), Apgar score <7 found in 22 (20%), neonatal intensive care admission in 35 (31.82%) and neonatal mortality found in 7 (6.36%). There was a significant association observed regarding amniotic fluid index, non-stress test and abnormal biophysical profile with meconium stained liquor, Apgar score <7, neonatal intensive care admission and neonatal mortality with p-value <0.05.
Conclusion: Modified biophysical profile is effective and useful tool in predicting adverse fetal outcomes
Key Words: Modified biophysical profile, Fetal outcome, High risk pregnancy, Amniotic fluid index
Citation of article: Zahid N, Zia K, Shahzad R, Athar A, Azeem I, Toheed R. Role of Modified Biophysical Profile in Predicting Fetal Outcome in High Risk Pregnancies. Med Forum 2020;31(1):83-86.