22. Prevalence, Pattern and Factors Associated with Substance Abuse Among Young Adolescents in Malir Karachi, Sindh
Riaz Ahmed Bhutto1, Razi Ullah Riaz2, Shahid Kamran3, Rakhshinda Younus5, Nazia Qamar6 and Pavan Kumar4
Objective: To find out the prevalence and pattern of substance abuse among young adolescents and the associated risk factors at Malir Karachi.
Study Design: Cross Sectional Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi from July 2021 to December 2021.
Materials and Methods: We have used the Self-Administered WHO Model Core Questionnaire to collect information on use of various substances among adolescents within Malir district Karachi. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version -25.
Results: A Total number of male adolescents were n=518 (100%) and no females were questioned due to socio-demographical environments and ethical view. Out of the 518 participants, 67 (12.7%) were addicted of Gutka, panmasla and mainpuri along with smoking, 108 (20.9%) used tranquillizers without a medical recommendation. 103 (19.9%) consumed cannabis and bhang. 18 (3.7%) young boys had tried heroin. 112 (21.6%) adolescents had used other opiate drugs their own on advice of friends for recreational purpose. Study showed significant positive but weak linear correlations between recreational and dependent use (r = 0.161, p = 0.003).
Conclusion: Study indicates a high prevalence of tobacco and inhalants use among adolescents in Malir Karachi.
Key Words: Substance, Substance Abuse; Prevalence; Factors; Young adolescents
Citation of article: Bhutto RA, Riaz R, Kamran S, Younus R, Qamar N, Kumar P. Prevalence, Pattern and Factors Associated with Substance Abuse Among Young Adolescents in Malir Karachi, Sindh. Med Forum 2022;33(12):91-96.