22. Comparison of Mask versus Prong for Delivery of Continuous Airway Pressure in Premature Neonates with Tachypnea in Terms of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Failure
Shaukat Hussain, Muhammad Tayyab and Muhammad Arslan Farooq
Objective: To compare mask and prong for delivery of CPAP in management of premature neonates with tachypnea in terms of frequency of CPAP failure.
Study Design: Randomized controlled trial study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi from September 2018 to February 2019.
Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty pre-term infants with gestational age from 27-34 weeks of any gender were included. They were divided in two groups; randomized to receive either mask (Group 1) and prong (Group 2) as a mode of NCAP delivery interface.
Results: Comparison of mask versus prong for delivery of CPAP in management of premature neonates with tachypnea in terms of frequency of CPAP failure shows 5% (n=3) in Group 1 and 11.67% (n=7) in Group 2 with p value was 0.18.
Conclusion: Mask for delivery of continuous airway pressure in management of premature neonates with tachypnea in terms of frequency of CPAP failurehas less frequency as compared to prong.
Key Words: Preterm, Tachypnea, Failure of CPAP, Nasal mask, Nasal prong
Citation of article: Hussain S, Tayyab M, Farooq MA. Comparison of Mask versus Prong for Delivery of Continuous Airway Pressure in Premature Neonates with Tachypnea in Terms of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Failure. Med Forum 2020;31(7):92-95.