21. Pregnancy Outcomes in Obese and Non-Obese Females
Sadia Rashid, Shazia Kadri, Safia Izhar and Asma Abdullah
Objective: To study the Pregnancy outcomes in obese and non-obese female and association with ultrasonographic measurements.
Study Design: Comparative Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Radiology, Medicare Cardiac and General Hospital, Karachi from July 2021 to December 2021.
Materials and Methods: In this study total 200 women of body mass index (BMI) 20-35 were included in this study. Among them 100 women had BMI between 20-24.9 and 100 women had BMI 25-30 kg/m2.
Results: Out of 100 obese women, 74 babies were spontaneous vaginally delivered, 13 were assisted delivered through instrument (i.e. vacuum and forceps) and 13 women underwent LSCS. On other hand in 100 non-obese, 88 were spontaneous vaginally delivered, 7 were assisted instrumental deliveries and 5 underwent LSCS. This data revealed significantly higher rate of instrument and operative delivered in obese group (p=0.038). There were 4 (4%) fetal mortalities, 3 neonatal deaths 3 (3%) and 1 still birth in obese group and 2 (2%) fetal mortality in non-obese group. On Ultrasound imaging Expected fetal weight of obese group found to be higher than non-0bese group. 10 neonates of obese group and 3 (3%) of non-0bese group were found macrosmic (Birth weight 4000 gm or above), however, this difference of proportions of macrosomia between two groups was statistically insignificant.
Conclusion: Obesity during pregnancy is associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes like significantly higher rate of instrumental vaginal delivery, caesarian section and fetal birth asphyxia. Obese pregnant women should be considered high risk and recommended to maintain weight to reduce any complications.
Key Words: obese, non-obese, ultrasound
Citation of article: Rashid S, Kadri S, Izhar S, Abdullah A. Pregnancy Outcomes in Obese and Non-Obese Females. Med Forum 2022;33(6):92-96.