21. Comparative Study on Neem Leaf Extract and Nimolicin (NC) on Gastric Mucosa of Albino Rats
1. Qamar Aziz Siddiqui 2. Syed Ijaz Hussain Zaidi 3. Asghar Hussain 4. Muhammad Omar
Shamim 5. Nazar Hussain 6. Syed Naimul Hassan Naqvi 7. Mohammed Arshad
8. Rajput Muhammad Tariq 9. Mazhar Hijazi
1. Prof. of Physiology, IM&DC, Sialkot 2. Asstt. Prof. of Pharmacology, Al Tibri Medical College, Karachi 3. Asstt.
Prof. of Physiology, Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences, CMH, Quetta 4. Asstt. Prof. of Physiology, IM&DC,
Sialkot 5. Prof. of Pathology, BMU, Karachi 6. Prof. of Pharmacology, BIPS, Karachi 7. Asstt. Prof. of
Pharmaceutics, Baqai Institute of Pharmacy, Karachi 8. M.AH, Qadri Biological Research Centre, Karachi University, Karachi 9. Prof. of Anatomy, BMU, Karachi
Objective: Compare the anti ulcer effect of Methanolic Neem (Azadirachta indica, A Juss, Meliaceae) Leaf Extract (NLE) and Neem compound Nimolicin on gastric mucosa of albino rats.
Azadiradione also called Nimolicine coded as NC has been studied for its anti insect effect but anti ulcer effect has never been studied.
Study Design: Experimental study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at the Pharmacy and Physiology Department of Baqai Medical College for duration of two years.
Materials and Methods: Gastric ulcers in albino rats were induced in group-1 (check group) by a single oral dose of 1 ml 100% ethanol. After 24 hours the treatment was started. Group-2 was treated with oral administration of pea nut oil 1ml/day for 5 days (control of the treated group). Group-3 was treated with NLE (1ml/day for 5 days) and Group-4 with NC 1% (1ml/day for 5 days). The healing effects of neem were compared to oral administration of anti ulcer drugs ranitidine (50mg/kg daily for 5 days) and omeperazole (2.5 mg/kg daily for 10 days). Histopathology of the stomach was performed to confirm the presence or healing of ulcers. Ulcers were scored and indexed on the basis of histopathology.
Results: Ranitidine had the highest ulcer inhibition of 84%. NLE proved to be better than omeperazole by showing an ulcer inhibition of 82 % compared to 73% ulcer inhibition of omeperazole. NC showed least anti ulcer activity with an ulcer inhibition of only 69%. HPLC was performed to show the tissue concentration of NC, omeparazole and ranitidine showing their retention time, area and concentration compared to their controls.
Conclusion: It is concluded that NLE proved to be better anti ulcer agent as compared to NC and can be used as an anti ulcer drug after clinical trials.
Key Words: Gastric ulcer, neem (Azadirachta indica, A Juss, Meliaceae) leaf extract, azadiradione, nimolicin,
ranitidine, omeperazole, ulcer inhibition.