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  3. 20.Smartphone Addiction Among University Students : A Cross-Sectional Study
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20.Smartphone Addiction Among University Students : A Cross-Sectional Study

Vijia Kumar Gemnani1, Anoop Kumar Juseja2, Daulat Ram Nagdev2, Kaleemullah Abro1, Suhail Aman Jokhio1 and Fasil Saif Jamro1


Objective: To evaluate smartphones addiction among university students and to identify relevant variables associated with smartphones addiction in university students.

Study Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted on the students of five (05) allied institutes/colleges of SMBB Medical University Larkana during the period of November 2022 to January 2023.

Materials and Methods: A total of 275 students were chosen from SMBB Medical University's five affiliated institutes or colleges in Larkana. All the students filled out an online questionnaire through Google Forms, which consisted of a sociodemographic profile, smartphones-related questions, and a smartphones addiction scale (short version), which was applied to evaluate the prevalence of smartphones addiction among students.

Results: Out of 275 university students, smartphones addiction was present in 132 (48%) of the students; females, 76 (57.6%), seemed addicted more in contrast to males, 56 (42.4%). According to the study, students spend 4-6 hours per day on their smartphoness, with the majority of their time spent on socially interesting media and the least on research or academic purposes. Data was analysed by SPSS version 17.

Conclusion: The prevalence of smartphones usage among university students was observed to be relatively high. The skills and cognitive abilities students need for academic success are negatively affected by excessive phones use. There is a need to create awareness of the problem and plan effective intervention strategies.

Key Words: Smart Phones, Addiction, Chandka, College, Cross-Sectional Study.

Citation of article: Gemnani VK, Juseja AK, Nagdev DR, Abro K, Jokhio SA, Jamro FS. Smartphone Addiction among University Students : A Cross- Sectional Study. Med Forum 2023;34(3):92-97.