20.COVID-19 Associated Eye Problems in the Pakistani Population
Nargis Nizam Ashraf, Nisar Ahmed Siyal and Eisha Safia Ashraf
Objective: To assess for Covid -19 related eye problems in the Pakistani population
Study Design: Retrospective cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology, Unit- I, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi from November, 20 to October, 21.
Materials and Methods: Hundred patients having Covid -19 were included in the study. A Google questionnaire was prepared and sent to people online. Their feedback was then collected in the form of a cvs sheet. They were put in MS Excel. SPSS (version 26 IBM for PC) was used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and summarized by frequency and percentages.
Results: Out of 100 patients included in study 35 had eye problems. 3% had pain in the eyes, 13% had red eye, foreign body sensation occurred in 11%, watering in 11%, decreased vision in 7% and dryness of eyes in 3% patients.
Conclusion: 35% patients in our study had eye problems related to COVID Most problems occurred in the initial weeks of infection and resolved with minor treatment
Key Words: conjunctivitis, watering, foreign body sensation
Citation of article: Ashraf NN, Siyal NA, Ashraf ES. COVID-19 Associated Eye Problems in the Pakistani Population. Med Forum 2023;34(1):87-90.