20. Outcome of Manipulation under Anesthesia in Treatment of Frozen Shoulder with and without Steroid Injection in Terms of Range of Motion
Shujaat Hussain, Tayyab Mahmood, M. Iqbal Buzdar and M. Iqbal Mustafa
Objective: This study was conducted to compare the mean difference in the range of motion (ROM) between manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) with and without intra-articular injection of steroid in patients of Frozen Shoulder (FS).
Design: Randomized controlled trial study.
Duration and Place: This study was conducted at the Orthopedic Department, BV Hospital Bahawalpur from May 15th, 2016 to October 14th, 2017
Materials & Methods: A total of 156 patients of 30 to 75 years of age with FS were included in the study. Patients with metabolic bone disease and osteoporosis were excluded. Pre-operative measurements of the ROM (flexion, abduction, external rotation and internal rotation) of FS were taken in all patients. Selected patients were placed randomly into 2 groups i.e. Group A (MUA without steroid) & Group B (MUA with steroid), by using lottery method.
Results: The mean age of women in group A was 55.65 ± 8.13years and in group B was 55.23 ± 8.26years. Out of these 156 patients, 36.54% were male and 63.46% were females with ratio of 1:1.74. Post-manipulation, the results have shown that there was significant improvement (p-value<0.05) in ROM in group B (MUA with steroid injection) compared to group A (MUA without steroid injection).
Conclusion: In combined treatment (MUA with steroid injection) ROM is significantly improve as compared to in single treatment (MUA) in FS.
Key Words: Flexion, adhesive capsulitis, intra-articular injection, rehabilitation.
Citation of articles: Hussain S, Mahmood T, Buzdar MI, Mustafa MI. Outcome of Manipulation under Anesthesia in Frozen Shoulder with and without Steroid Injection in Terms of Range of Motion. Med Forum